Food Plots for Texas White Tail

Food Plots for Texas White TailFood plots for Texas White Tail are available at Odiorne! We’ve gotten some rains especially in the northern & western parts of the county. It’s time to be thinking about preparing some food plots to attract and nourish your deer. We have you covered. We have different recommendations for every season. Here’s what we recommend this fall:

Seeds: Winter hardy oats, rye, wheat, Peas, clover
Where: we’ve seen the best luck in “escape” areas deer feel comfortable going during the hunt season
How: well disked & smooth, 1/4″ – 1″ depth

Fertilizer? Peas & clover are nitrogen fixers and we don’t recommend fertilization. They’ll also help add fertilizer to the soil for the oats and/or rye. Adding 18-10-5 fertilizer as a top dressing can be helpful as long as the rains keep coming!

Food plots can increase the wildlife in an area, enhancing opportunities for wildlife viewing and/or hunting. As you select seed for a food plot be sure to plan effectively. Visit our knowledgable staff for more information! Swing by and grab Food Plots for Texas
White Tail.

Don’t forget your hunting supplies! Shop our selection of deer feeders, hunting knives, camo gear, game cameras, SD cards, and night vision cameras. We stock hunting accessories like deer blinds, deer stands, traps, and feeders. Accessories like replacement timers, motors, solar panels, and rechargeable batteries (6v-12v; regular 6v) are available at the store.Check out some of our other available wildlife supplies here.


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